Tatonka as a calf.

Donate to Tatonka and Koda

To donate to Tatonka and/or Koda you can either:

Venmo Shelly McMahon @Southernfreshfarms with the note DONATION

Mail a check to Shelly McMahon at Southern Fresh Farms Urban Collective. Note that it is a DONATION and which animal.

Tatonka is an American Bison Bull. He was born June 1, 2023 in Amherst Nebraska at Watertown Bison Ranch. He was more than likely a twin and bison only produce enough milk for one calf so one is typically orphaned. Robert’s cousin, David Klingelhoefer called and asked if we wanted to give this little guy a chance at life. After a bunch of research we said yes. We got busy building a new enclosure that will hold him once he is a full size buffalo. What to feed…how to feed…how will he tolerate the heat? Turns out bison are the most adaptable of animals, they can be in sub zero and our sweltering heat. The only similarity to a cow is the number of stomachs which is 4. Everything else is different. They get bottom and top front teeth, cows only have bottom front teeth.You can’t castrate a male bison because they stop eating, you can’t remove their horns because they don’t handle stress at all! That will be our biggest challenge with Tatonka, No Stress! Bison also will never be completely tame, you can make them as tame as possible (which we are) but we will always be extra cautious with him. They are a “herd” animal and like to be with others and Tatonka and Henry will not get along since they will both want to be the “Boss” ….which brings us to…

Koda! He was born a Sussex/Black Angus bull. His birthday is June 28, 2023 He comes from Okeechobee on a massive dairy/cattle ranch. Ranchers can’t raise all the bull calves born because of the amount of money it takes to raise them so they are taken right away and we were lucky to have the connection to go get him. Thank you Ryan! He has been such a sweet baby, great disposition and very calm. We have already castrated him, better for him since he will not be used as a breeder and for all our visitors.
Tatonka and Koda are currently on bottle feedings with milk replacer and we are teaching them how to eat grains and hay.
They have been moved to the big pen so they can get to know each other and lots of space to run.